Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Who is that?

When ever someone new comes to my house and see my wedding picture they always ask--

who is that? OR Is that YOU?

I know I look different, but really I look THAT different?

Which is why I am asking the hair questions. My hair is blond, long, and straight in my wedding picture.

I am wearing good make-up--my eyebrows are plucked and I look pretty good if I say so myself!

I am working on the weight, I did drop .5 pounds this past week--but I think I am failing this week---gotta get a renewed weight lose mind going again!! Maybe I will Hulu Biggest Loser---but really I think they should do "the last 20" as a show to really motivate the rest of us that DON'T have 100 pounds to loose.....anyway--that is a whole other blog!!

So I guess my question is--where did that girl go? Did she fall into the "stupid Mormon mommy mindset"--which is (at least to a lot of women in our area)-(Mormons are not stupid, just that one flaw in their mindset--but you get what I am saying!)-Your kids are more important than you are-(which they are one of the MOST important things, but YOU are equally important to Heavenly Father)-so spend all your time and energy on your kids/house/husband--till you have become a fat, frumpy housewife. (again another blog!)---BUT moving on ....

Ok one more thing before I move on--I was talking with a friend about how people in our ward wear outdated clothes and she said "well doesn't that happen in most..." and I said "Mormon wards." and she laughted and said "no, small towns." OH---I felt stupid!

I want that "bride" back--I am OK with the wider hips and ribcage (yes my ribcage, but not my bra size!-(too much info!)-expanded while I was prego)--I want that girl who was happy with her looks, her body, and her life--I am happy with all of those things--they are a blessing, but I am NOT content with them---In my mind there is a difference.

Ok enough---I gotta go do laundry, dishes, and OK--actually I am off to possible watch a movie--or read.


Chera said...

I hate when I hear people worrying too much about weight or not loving theirself. I've been there, don't get me wrong, but it is so much better when you can really stop worrying about it (for whatever reason, Africa helped tons with this). So, I am going to suggest the book "Women, Food, and God". It has great reviews and has a much much healthier outlook on weight than any show or diet has.

Jean said...

You are the best thinking girl in the world! The biggest loser is one of my favorite shows ever! I wait gleefully each week. BUT it makes me want to eat every time I watch it b/c think "never mind, I look great!" Ok, I mean I DO eat every time I watch it "LOL and I have thought that same thing...why don't they make a show about skinnyish -er people getting in shape, so that like I could win a ton of money! HA

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