Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday--Lent

So (see there it is again!)....

I am not Catholic, but I have always loved the idea of Lent.

I should give up pop, which I might, but I am going to Denver and I need a little boost in order to help me drive up there and back--since I am normally so tired after getting read to go----

In the past I have given up
1. music
2. All Media (tv, movies, & music)
3. Pop
4. Chocolate
I am sure there has been more, I just can't remember what.

OK--After I get back from Denver I am going to give up Pop--AND

--for the next 40 days I am going TO DO something, instead of giving it up.

I will try to get some type of physical exercise for at least 20 minutes (except Sundays).


I KNOW, but when you haven't even been doing 20 minutes, that can make a big difference.

SO (dang I gotta work on that)......

1. Give up pop when I get home from Denver
2. Exercize Daily (except Sundays)

I will update this on Easter (ok around Easter time)


travelingmom said...

go Amy! I'll be cheering you on the whole way! Keep us in the loop how it is going. Have fun with mom!

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