Sunday, September 13, 2009

Every now and then....

I stole this off another sight, but then made some of it my own. I just feel like every women feels this way--

~Every now and then I forget that my children will be grown soon and won't want to play with me anymore.

~Every now and then I forget that I have been blessed with a husband who loves me.
~Every now and then I forget that the responsibility I heap on myself and my actual
responsibilities are very different.

--Every now and then I forget that my life is blessed beyond measure and that God is mindful of me, my family, my friends, and my situation.

~Every now and then I forget that my house doesn't have to be perfect 24/7 and to stop worrying about what I am NOT Doing

~~Every now and then I forget that I can just relax a little bit.

--Every now and then I need to remember that this time in my life is hard, but it is just for a season.

--Every now and then I need to remember that EVERYONE is hurting or grieving in some way and I JUST need to listen!

--Every now and then I need to remember my body and great mind are gifts, and I need to treat them like they are, healthy food, good exercise, and enough sleep.

--Every now and then I need to stop having such high expectations of others and myself.

--Every now and then I need to remember that Faith, Hope, Charity, and Love are more important than high scores, the next level, keeping up with computer networks, the unfinished craft, or even the next expectation I put on myself to accomplish.

~Every now and then I forget that it doesn't matter in the slightest little bit what other people think of me. It only matters what I think of me. And, what He thinks of me.

~And I remember that the little bit that I am doing right now is ok.


Tomena said...

It is true... they do. That's what we should all remember.


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