Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life keeps going

I laugh at life.  I think of all the things I have a passion for and find that with so many passions no fire gets really going. 

+Right now I think...I should write a blog so awesome that I could be paid to do it.
+When I watch a movie I think--why don't I get a community theater going--this would be a fun show to do.
+When I go through my craft stuff I think---I should do a once a month scrapbook/cardmaking night at the library.
+As I clean my kitchen I think.  I can do the once-a-month cooking. I should either 1. get a group of people to each make a few meals and we can exchange them or 2. I need to get into once a month cooking and teach other people or 3. I need to get into extreme couponing--that way I don't have to do once a month cooking.
+I have about 10 books started or half way written. Everything from kids books to Adult love stories (once again, not Romance--but Love--one is heaving bossoms and one is a lovely tender kiss).


Right now my passion is....


I am totally in love with facepainting!  It is so fun---it combines so much--art, make-up, a little bit of acting (You are dealing with people) and creativity.

So I am REALLY new at it.  I have one done 1 birthday party, and got paid to do about 7 faces at our local car show.  But I am hooked.

Real and good facepaints are totally expensive so I am limited in what I can do colorwise.  But I did make a little money and will order some more soon -- I hope.

Mostly these pictures I am posting was me trying different techniques out and finding what works for me and just practicing.   I am loving using my little girls legs as canvas while we watch a movie.   That sounds like I have little girl legs--ha ha ha.  But Pepper and Sedona let me paint their legs-- ;)

I liked the ones at the car show better, but since it was the only car show we have in our area all year my hubby got the camera---but I am hoping to do some more tonight and I will post more soon.

I am posting my very first few facepaints so that we can see the progression (lets hope) through time.

 1st Hearts                  1st Tiger--never even practiced it before as you can tell!!
(The spacing just went all strange and I am not going to take the time to fix it--sorry)

1st Rainbow Kitty  --  -----------just a random face design--I call these Fantasy Faces

2nd attempt A princess Headband  & 1st Attempt at Flowers with vines

1st butterfly 
1st attempt at Princess headband design


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