Monday, April 12, 2010

And so it starts....

Today while driving home with the girls from our Denver week-end we head to the park for lunch and running around.

The Walsenburg Head start was at the park---no big deal---good Sedona can play with them while I watch Pepper--which I didn't do a good job at--she feel off a big slide and landing right on her forehead--pictures will come later--if I can remember. Anyway...Pepper and I are swinging when I see three boys following Sedona and I hear her say "stop that!" and starts crying---I call for her and she starts running to me--the boys--run after her. Literaly-three boys are running after my little Sedona. Sedona tells me they won't let her slide down the slide---I look at them with my teacher eyes and in my teacher voice say "you CAN slide down the big slide, and NO ONE will stop you!" Then I follow her to the slide (with three little boys close at my feet) and then they all slide a couple more times---then she runs over to me again (still with three little boys following her) and starts swinging. I go to push her, but before I can, one of the boys is already pushing her--the other two just watch.

After a while Sedona moves on to the next playground thing and the boys follow her. Their teacher calls them and the whole time one of the boys is leaving he is yelling at Sedona...
"bye babe!" "see you later Pumpkin" "Your hot" "I will miss you sweetheart!".
I thought it was funny, but at the same time a little bothered!!

Sedona just laughed and said "that boy called Pepper Pumpkin--how silly!" She had no idea!

I love childhood innocence.


Jonathan Whitaker said...

I love Sedona's response at the end. But seriously, childhood cruelty makes me so mad, because children are so innocent.

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