Saturday, July 9, 2011

Broken Camera and the Best kids in the whole world

You know those kids who are out of control? The one's who don't listen? Who run crazy at restraunts--are rude and talk back?

well those are NOT my girls (most of the time)--Sedona is getting to be a little older and she can have attitude, and Pepper has been pushing the limits lately--BUT in their defense we were on a horrible schedule in Utah and staying at Grandma's never helps (but we LOVE Grandma lots and lots!).

However, I am not blind to my kids rudeness or craziness---I KNOW they can be bad, and they go to timeout and Pepper even got spanked the other night (don't call social services)--I am not a parent who thinks my kids are never wrong or bad or have faults--cause they are and they do have faults, but most of the time they are just good.

I have amazing kids. I am so blessed/lucky to have them. During this trip we have gotten out of control a few times, but really overall I can't complain! Plus sometimes when they are naughty they are just so dang cute--Pepper will normally make what she is doing bad into a joke and we all end up laughing (not a good way to discipline I know--but after we stop laughing then she goes to timeout). And Sedona is sensitive that normally I don't have to punish her because she is already crying she feels so bad about being naughty. I love these kids!

Right now Pepper is following Sedona around and Sedona is doing silly things to make her laugh. They will stop and do a funny dance for Wheeler and then keep going.

I love those girls so much.

Pepper just said "MOM!" I said "what?" She said "I love you and breakfast is so good." Such sweet girls


Wheeler is getting so big. We went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and there was a tiny baby. I asked "how old is your baby"---"a little more than a month" --He was the same age as my wheeler, but Wheeler was huge! yeah for a strong, healthy, big baby!

He is holding his head up more and more everyday and he looks so much older than your normal baby.

He also is making eye contact and I can swear he has smiled a few time.

I would LOVE to show you pictures, but my camera isn't turning on!


I am not sure why--the battery is charged and still nothing. I have read a few self help blogs about camera repair, but so far nothing has worked!!

I am too scared to do anything to much and break it even more.

I am also scared to take it to a repair shop because I have no idea how much it will cost to repair. BUT I don't want to NOT have a camera!

UGG--I wish I was smarter at this stuff.


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