Monday, January 24, 2011

Someone's Hero

Lucas was someone hero's the other night.

He came across a car that had been flipped after hitting horses on the road. He radio other truckers to let them know what was happening.

The first person on the scene was in a car, so they drove to where they could get cell phone service and called 911. Lucas stayed with the elderly couple who were both hurt badly. They got blankets and coats and such to keep the couple warm. Lucas talked with them and helped keep them awake while it took over an hour for the first cop to arrive.

Lucas said that a car pulled over and one of the men was an EMT and told them to send someone to call and get a flight for life helicopter to get these people out. While waiting for the helicopter Lucas spoke to the young police man and suggested that they needed to clear a place for the helicopter to land, since his truck was right next to the accident. Something the officer hadn't thought about. Lucas also suggested that the truckers who had stopped all help sweep the glass and horse parts off of the road. The cops said they couldn't do it because it was still considered a scene of the crime and until they took pictures and measurements they couldn't touch the scene. From the sound of it the police didn't even start doing those things while Lucas was still there.

Lucas stayed at the scene for two hours and helped with what he could. He said that he was very calm about everything. He said ---you would think watching people who could possibly be dying would be more traumatic, but really it wasn't---

He was frustrated with the amount of time it took for those people to get help. They police finally told him and about five cars behind him to move along--so that the helicopter could land.

Since Lucas couldn't stop again anywhere on the road--no space--he didn't know what happened to the couple. I have tried to look it up, but haven't seen any information on it.

We wish we could find anything out. We wonder if they lived or not? If they are OK, if they will heal all the way? Even with the unknown I am so proud of him for stopping and helping the strangers.


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