Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Do I remember how to blog?

It has been forever since I blogged and I have a sitereader that told me 12 people checked my blog this week, but nothing has been written in about a month so I figured I better do something.

I am not sure I remember how to do this! I guess I will just randomly type and babble and see what happens.

Lucas got me an external drive so now I have somewhere I can download my pictures and not worry about the space on the computer! Yeah Lucas! Which I am hoping means more pictures for you guys. Not this post--but maybe next.

We had a great Christmas--starting on the 22nd and lasting till Jan 2nd. We had Christmas in Colorado then headed to Arizona and had a blast there! I will be posting pictures of all of that---along with a rundown of the events, so you will just have to wait! :)


some goals
1. actually do some of the stuff on my calendar--l have had the same goals on my calendar for years---THIS is the year to do them.
2. write a family letter and send it out (even if for the 4th of July and not Christmas)
3. get family pictures taken
4. have a baby (I put that on there so I know I will accomplish at least ONE of my goals) :)
5. finish my brain book

I blogger I read (sorry can't remember who) prays and chooses a word to work with each year. This year I really feel strongly that I have two words (which kind of goes against my first word, but....) my words are...

Simplify my house, my marriage, my parenting skills, my expectations on self and others, my routine....just about everything.

Focus on what is important. Focus on what I know I need to accomplish and do it. As I stated before I have had the same things in my TO-DO section of my brain book for years. I could teach hour (or more) long classes on the things I know I should be doing...such as
1. food storage: (Organization & Having it)

2. 72 hour kit: (I have the master list of everything I need--and have most of the stuff, but do I ever put it together?!)

3. home decor: I have read tons of books, thousands (literally) of magazines, and know what to do and how to do -- so you think I would JUST DO IT!

4. organization & clutter: I could literally teach a semester worth of classes on these two subjects, but everywhere I turn in my life is clutter--clutter of the mind, car, and house.

5. be more spiritual: I really feel that as the Beatles said "All you need is Love". We need to worry less about who is living the "Gospel" and start loving people more.

6. Have a Clean house (which is related to #4): again, I have read books, and magazines on how to clean a house quickly, how to clean a house so it cleans itself, how to clean something everyday so nothing piles up, how to clean your house once a week, how to clean a house for 15 minutes every hour....and yet my house isn't "clean". I have lists in my brain book (see I have the lists I am very organized that way!) on what I need to do in each room to "skim" or daily clean it and then a list to "scour" or monthly clean it. If the Skim is done the Scour takes no time, but it is the "skim" part that gets me. Also I have a master list for each room on things I would like to see done in that room....
for example

Sedona's room still needs
1. New Light Fixture
2. Curtain Tie Back
3. New Carpet
4. Finish "finishing" her bed (I only got the head board painted, not the foot board or whatever it is called).
5. Matching furniture

I have a list like that in each room. I have had a list like that for each room since we moved in.

anyway--time to get back to life!


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