Saturday, April 24, 2010

Am I the Biggest Loser?

Weight Loss % and Weekly Recap!

I have lost 2 pounds or

1.43% weight loss.

That is pretty huge!

I am NOT expecting weeks like this very often (my goal is 1/2 a pound a week).

A few things went into this week.

1. Stress: I was in charge of a benefit dinner, played a big role in a school function, sang on Wed for a bunch of teenagers, will sing on Sunday, and had a parent meeting at my house. All of which added to my stress level!

2. WAY TO MUCH INFORMATION: dealing with my monthly cycle--this is the time of the month when I naturally loose weight---It will be killer during the time when I naturally gain weight.

3. I have been physically active more than normal---setting up and taking down chairs and tables for two events, getting my yard raked up, helping Lucas in the the shop, and then my normal activities--I haven't "worked out" once this I started this, but I have been physical every day in some shape or form.

4. The biggest difference is my eatting habits. I have tried to eat about 1/2 of what I normally eat. I am guessing that 1/2 of what I normally eat is about what I SHOULD eat. For example, I made cookies and I ate 2 of them---I literally normally eat about 12 of them....I have even gotten my self food, and then put back 1/2 of what I took. I have a big drink before I eat (now I gotta work on that big drink being water and not milk or pop), but that helps too. I am full with eating 1/2--which is good. I know I tend to overeat--ok not tend--I DO overeat, so this has given me NEW eyes when I look at my food. Someone once said, we get enough to eat, but we are ready for the next meal when it comes! Interesting idea when it comes to food in this society!

So this next upcoming week...
since my stess level will be lower I want to add working out 3 times this week (and actually doing something to make me sweat), continue to eat less, but include more fruit and raw veggies as my snacks, and drink more water.

I will try to update my dieting only once a week so I don't bore you all to death!


natalie said...

I love getting comments too. I just forget to leave them very often. Sorry :( . Good luck with the weight loss, not that you need to lose any weight, but 2 lbs a week is great!

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