Thursday, March 25, 2010

Library Job--

I am not sure if I have mentioned this yet--I get facebook and Blogging mixed up sometimes--pathetic I know!


I did NOT get the job at the library.


Pepper had a fever between the time I applied and found out I didn't make it. It was almost as if Heavenly Father was saying---see---you can't take that job, your kids still need you here, to take care of them! I am sorry that Pepper had to get sick to have me figure that out (again).

I have so many idea's I would like to see the Library do...BUT I also figured out that I don't have to work at the library to make great things happen for them. There use to be a program called "friends of the library"--and their job was to improve, fundraisers, and overall help the library. I would LOVE to be active (ok truth be told--I would love to be the president, but you can't elect yourself--that is a dictatorship!) in a program like that again.

I found out a few things in the interview like---

1. They don't own their building--the County does--I think there is good and bad on both sides of that---but I would LOVE to see the library own it's own building!

2. They want to move forward with technology, they just don't have the manpower to do it. I love the library ladies, but they don't have those skills--so maybe I could volunteer a few hours a month updating info. on their webpage--and do fun things like that.

3. They don't have the man power (energy) and money to do clubs, events, and other exciting things like that! Why not get a group of people who enjoy doing those things and do it for them! I volunteer!

So until I am released from being Primary President (which should be this year-) I am not going to move forward with this. PLUS... I don't want to become so involved I can't be Classroom mom helper (or whatever they are called) or that I neglect my family, self, and house...

This is the list of items I would like to see happen at the library (maybe some of them have not happened because of the above mentioned items)

(when I paste into Blogger--it messes up my spacing--sorry--this is in outline form--just pretend it is correct!)

1. Tuesday Night Activities
A. Family Night
B. Book Club
C. Craft Night/Knitting
D. Holiday/Theme Party/Small business helps/Men's night (fishing, hunting, ect)
2. Link with Centauri (the local high school) & Sanford
3. MP3/I-pod Book Downloads
4. More movies
5. Update Non-fiction Section
6. Calendar of Events
7. Other Check outs (circuit cartage)
8. Expand Spanish Section
9. More Teen programs
10. Workshops
A. Be Published
B. Digital photo’s
C. Meet a local Author
D. Storytelling 101
E. Learn English/Spanish
F. Job Fair
G.Really there are endless possibilities
11. After school program 2 times a month
12. More resources for schools

A. Have preschool, head start, and daycare tell us what their monthly theme is and we will deliver (or hold back) books for them to use that month--That would also be a great launching pad to know what type of books to order.
13. Better Storage (own their own building would help!)
14. Better Book Search system

15. Online Book Search--Renewal system--and more!

I would LOVE any more suggestions--like I said I am NOT going to act on this right away--but I want to be armed and ready when I meet the board to propose this.


PS: how cool would THIS be for the Children's section--Have little "rooms" which hold different book categories---Picture Books, Fiction, non-fiction---OK NOT realistic for our budget--but still SUPER COOL! You would have NO problem getting kids to go to the library!

What about something like this for Teen-agers, but make it teen-age friendly, like a huge "computer screen" they walk into for the non-fiction--or a Castle looking thing for fiction.

I get so excited thinking about stuff like this!


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