Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Holy Ghost

Tonight as I put Sedona to bed, she told me she didn't feel the Holy Ghost last time she prayed for him to be with her. We have an excellent conversation about what it means to "have the Holy Ghost with her". At the end we were able to say a prayer and ask that she could feel the Holy Ghost.

After the prayer she calmed down (she was practically crying she was so upset over not feeling the Holy Ghost), and said that she felt him and was ready to go to sleep. I sang to her a little and told her a little story...actually I told her about the apron swap since that is what she wanted to hear about.

As I was about out of hearing range she says..."mom, can I tell you one more thing?".

"Sure Honey, what?"

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She is such a wonderful child.
I am totally blessed with amazing children.


Em said...

Hey Amy! Oh, I love those bedtime conversations where kids turn into angels. :)

That's cool that your husband has written some songs! I won't write a novel her on this comment, but I would be happy to tell you what I know about the whole process of getting music "out there."

Someone who has been a big help to me is Greg Hansen. You can go to his website and read about his mentoring program. You pay a fee and send him a demo of your stuff and then he will review it and get back to you with advice and constructive criticism.

Also, I have attended Jenny Phillip's songwriting workshop in Utah which is a crash course in the LDS music industry and how things work and how you can network and prepare to pitch your stuff, etc.

e-mail me if you want to know more and I'd be happy to expound/answer questions. Have a great day!

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