Tuesday, March 29, 2011

2011 in Pictures Part 1


The footware worn by "valley" kids

Sedona after taking out her hair--

Year of the Rabbit New Years lunch with Yeerah as the cook
Rice with Tuna fish, some sea weed (eyes & nose) Ketchup (blush), and ham (ears)

A few of Pepper's awesome dance moves

The bump--it sticks straight out---kind of huge!!

Yeerah was more interested in making a snowman (who never made it past a snowball) than sledding.

Sedona did great --she really enjoyed it for the most part--the last run of the day and she feel pretty hard--

Pepper--Not so much loving the snow--she was tired, cold, and hungry.

Not a fun combo!

At a basketball game where Yeerah was dancing--

Pepper loves being in charge of the video camera.

The happy couple at the basketball game.


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