Sunday, October 11, 2009

Real Life

so real life totally hit me in the face.

I know many of you have heard this so sorry about the rant AGAIN, but here we go.

A mouse got in the cupboard and since no one was here for a week it had full run of the cupboards! Yuck. Instead of cleaning up all the normal stuff after being gone a month I was pulling everything was out, lots of food was thrown away (What kind of mouse eats flour and not brown sugar?), dishes were washed, and cupboards and counters were washed down in bleach! Still working on it!

We came home to the smell of rotten vegetable's in the mud room. Lucas thinking he was only going to Denver for the weekend and not a whole week had just harvested the garden. Oh well. I did get some plum jam made with plums from someone yard in Utah's --Uncle Jim?? I should be working on Salsa now, or Zucchini bread, both need to be made in the next day or so....or else those foods will be rotten also.

The weather is getting colder so I am trying to get my garden all cleaned up--watering system put away (about 1/3 done), the black plastic pulled up and stored (about 1/8 done), and all my tools put away (about 1/2 done). It is a race to get stuff done before the snow comes!!

I was doing pretty go staying on top of things, but then Pam (my sister in law) went into labor and I had her kids. I don't want to sound like I am complaining, because I am NOT! Her kids and mine played so well together, and other than the toys being a mess--which is already picked up--they were fun to have around. But with 4 kids under the age of 4 not as many things get done as planned. Pam's baby came Saturday afternoon (around 4:30) Lettie Grace. She is SO cute. She is already at home--a little more than 24 hours later--so we were able to go over and see her.

Pepper and Lucas both had birthday's, but to say the least nothing is being done with them this year, yet. Pam & Micah bought Pepper a birthday cake--and we had that tonight! Thank goodness for Pam & Micah. I will do something for their birthday's I am not sure when..because...

Jeff (my father in law) is getting married on Saturday and I told Pam I would help her this week get the house in order, since that is where they are getting married....

And the big Primary Program is next week. We had a practice say the least my organizational skills are not up to par yet so it was very difficult to not completely fall apart and stress out about it. On Thursday we are having another rehearsal--so I gotta get WAY more organized for that!

Monday, Tomorrow, I think I am supposed to start training for a new job, but I have been playing phone tag with my trainer so I have no idea what is going on, and no baby sitter lined up. I am supposed to train ASAP since my training is going out of town soon--I think.

On top of that--I need to schedule Sedona and Pepper doctors appointments, one is scheduled for Tuesday...

so really my life isn't that bad.

I just put A LOT of SHOULDS on my shoulders when really the NEEDS and MUSTS aren't that great. Tomatoes will go bad--and what? Nothing....I will feel bad for a few days then I will get over it.

Oh well--I did get a great nap in today and watched a few movies Saturday night so life is NOT as bad as I make it out to be---I really should have been working instead of TV or Sleeping---but there I go with the SHOULDS again!

Holy Cow--just saw that it is past midnight--guess the nap helped and hindered me a little--tomorrow starts bright and early (for me anyway) so I am off to sleep.

Thanks for the listening ear.


angela said...

It's nice to know I'm not alone in all the "shoulds" in this life. If I'm lucky, my tomatoes won't go bad either, but if they do... life goes on.

Jean said...

I think you have way way to much going on right now!
Thank you for all your kind words! You are so very dear :)

Tomena said...

Oh Amy, I should have been keeping up on my blog reading... I'm sorry. Glad to babysit for ya... any time please call. Don't feel bad about the things you don't get done. You can only do so much. Let me know of course what I can do to help.

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